To do our part to service the community and limit the strain on the healthcare system, we offer telemedicine visits for our patients to determine the need for an in-office visit for an urgent/emergent matter, handle routine care, and provide limited clinical care.
Medicare and most commercial insurance plans have substantially broadened access to telemedicine services, including waiving copays for telemedicine visits.
2 Easy Steps to Set-up a Telemedicine Visit:
We are doing telemedicine visits through our patient portal at www.YourHealthFile.com.
Step 1:
Register at www.YourHealthFile.com and then simply click on the “Appointment Check-In” tab
Step 2:
Complete the check-in, and your visit will go live video through your smartphone, computer, or tablet.
Special Notes:
*If you are a patient of Dr. Paylo or Dr. Drury, you do not need to come to the office as your medications will be e-prescribed.
*If you are due for a Urine Drug Screen, you will be required to come to the office to provide a sample.
Ready To Help!
We look forward to resuming normal patient care shortly and appreciate everyone’s patience during this challenging situation.
Unable to register? Please call your preferred Care Medical Center location.
203 W Hamilton
Nashville, GA 31639
(229) 686-2277